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Cory Cifax's honest single 'Sauce'

12th Aug 2019
Tags: Music News Cory Cifax Rap

Milwaukee-based rapper Cory Cifax is about to hit the xRythms playlist with his latest single, ‘Sauce’.

A natural fit for any summer 19’ rap playlist.

His latest track, produced by Red Eye, features a soundbite from a popular video that made its round last summer. ‘Sauce is forever’, topped and tailed with a trap beat, makes it a natural fit for any summer 19’ rap playlist.

Cory recently tweeted:

This is very visible in his honest lyrics: 

“Peace in my pen I take all my pain and then I just write it away, ay
I talk about God how good has He been, it ain’t enough time in the day
Call out to God like where have you been, but I know His timing His great.”

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As well as rapping, Cifax is in a band with his brother, Arnold. They were spontaneously worshipping together in their living room when the band, Lyrical Sanctuary, was born. The pair are now on a mission to share their Christ-inspired music with the world.

Cory has been recognised twice for his music contribution to his community at the Wisconsin Area Music Awards.

I wanted somehow to string together some thoughts, like a rant.

Speaking about an earlier single release, ‘S.O.C (Stream Of Consciousness)’, Cory said, “I wanted somehow to string together some thoughts, like a rant, and bring it to a close with the Gospel. It was mad fun!" Clearly the rapper is still having mad fun as his 'Sauce' indicates and it seems likely we’ll be hearing more from the peace in his pen in the future.

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