A New Term And A New Start
Image Credit: Fuu J on Unsplash
Jason Spender,
16th Oct 2023
Mental health
The start of new school/college terms often brings up a mixture of emotions.
Some of you may have felt anticipation and excitement as you got back into the routine of seeing your friends and being out of the house. For others, you may have felt a sense of anxiety about the unknown or bad experiences from the past.

This morning, to help out my parents, I was up a ladder fixing our guttering and then went to the tip. On the way back I was reflecting on my own life, the new term starting, and having just dropped loads of different items into big bins. Not a combination of things I normally think about to be honest!
So often we end up carrying things mentally and emotionally into the next season that are not supposed to go with us.
An important truth stood out to me though. So often we end up carrying things mentally and emotionally into the next season that are not supposed to go with us.
Maybe you’ve been hurt in the past. Maybe you’ve been rejected. Maybe you’ve been left out. Maybe you’ve been treated unfairly. Things that we all face, regardless of who we are or how we are brought up.
Letting these bad experiences go isn’t easy. We can find ourselves holding onto them, because we may have genuinely been treated badly, (something I admit to having done). It can also feel as if it is our right to hold on to the pain as a way of revenge towards another person.
Carrying around pain suddenly becomes a normal way of life.
Carrying around pain suddenly becomes a normal way of life. We get used to carrying the hurt and offence that we have picked up. We end up carrying things into our new season that we aren’t supposed to.
Something I do daily is to have a check-up of my heart and emotions. To see where I’m at and how I’m doing. The reason for this is that I simply can’t afford to let things weigh me down that are only trying to stop me from moving forward.
As a follower of Jesus, I am reliant on the Holy Spirit to help me do this. Without the Holy Spirit uncovering the pain and peeling back all the layers that wrap around our heart, it is extremely difficult.
We need to leave things behind that are going to hold us back and stop us thriving in life.
Before I start each new term and season of life, I mentally go to the tip. That’s because we need to leave things behind that are going to hold us back and stop us thriving in life.
You may have dreams and ambitions for your life – great! To reach them, you will have to let go of past hurt and offences that are weighing you down.

As you enter into this new season, I want to encourage you to be brave and leave all the negative things behind. Believe the best about yourself, knowing that God has a great plan for your life.