What to do after results day
Phoebe Simcock,
27th Aug 2021
Whether you’re planning to celebrate for a year or pretending you haven’t seen your results at all, it’s still a scary step and we have some ideas of what to do next.

If you’re feeling pleased about your results, that’s amazing! Everyone here at xRhythms would like to congratulate you for all of your hard work. Hopefully you’ve had lots of celebrations already, if not make sure that you do and take some time to relax. Your body and mind will no doubt need to time to revive before your next big step.
Do your research.
So what’s next? If you already have your place at College, University, an apprenticeship or you have a job secured, that’s brill. Don’t forget if you haven’t got your place, do your research and see if anywhere does clearing. Just because you haven’t applied yet, doesn’t mean you have missed out.
There are so many courses and apprenticeships out there. If you don’t have a career plan, career advisers will still be there to help you or you can choose to do something simply because you enjoy it. Volunteer work may also be helpful if you want to try different professions whilst studying before making big job decisions.

If you’re feeling disappointed about your results, you still did amazing! Everyone here at xRhythms would like to congratulate you for all of your hard work. You probably haven’t congratulated yourself, but you really should.
You’ve probably set yourself to a very high standard and feel you could have done better, but exams are hard and the pressure can sometimes make you do things you wouldn’t do normally. Don’t doubt yourself, these exams don’t reflect who you are as a person or how well you’ll do in the future. So pop them aside and focus on your future.
I didn’t get into my first university choice.
So what’s next? If you’re disappointed and this has affected your chances to stick with your original plan, do not panic. I didn’t get into my first university choice, and I had an amazing time but it was a massive shock to me. I dealt with the panic on the day and had to apply for my new accommodation there and then.

It is a rollercoaster, but I still did my degree, got a 2:1 and made some lifelong friends. So speak to the careers advisers, contact some new potential leads and hopefully you’ll find yourself in a better position anyway. I would suggest motivating yourself to conquering new plans straight away, if you put it off you may miss clearing deadlines or find your next steps becoming more daunting.
Don’t give up.
Create a plan in steps, then deal with each step at a time (with lots of snack breaks for morale of course!). Don’t give up.