Let’s fight homelessness together
Phoebe Simcock,
9th Jul 2021
Homelessness is a difficult topic, it’s something I find very distressing to talk about but it’s also important to make sure that people know that they are not alone.
Being homeless means not having a safe place to call home. There are lots of reasons why young people could become homeless, such as a family breakdown, physical or mental health problems or being excluded from school.

The facts
Centrepoint provides housing and support for young people regionally in London, Manchester, Yorkshire and the North East and through partnerships all over the UK.
According to Centrepoint, 121,000 young people asked for help with homelessness last year between 16-24 are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Fundraising to help those struggling with homelessness
Action for Children works with people from 5-18 years old. They help young people dealing with neglect, abuse, homelessness and those who are young carers.
On the 9th of July, Action for Children are hosting ‘Boycott your Bed’ and everyone can get involved wherever they are by simply sleeping somewhere different than usual.
Many young people don’t have a bed or a safe place to sleep, so the fundraiser is to raise money for food, safe shelter and support for these young people.
From 6pm to 10pm there will also be entertainment from celebrities such as Lydia Bright and Jake Quickenden. They have fundraising packs on their website and when you find your unique sleeping space, share it on social media with #boycottyourbed to show your support.
I’ll be grabbing my tent and sleeping outside, where have you got in mind?
If you are in need of support for yourself or for someone you know
If you are homeless or at risk of being homeless, don’t suffer alone. There are charities you can contact who will help you.
Safe spaces such as school, college or a friend’s house could be a good place to seek guidance from people that you trust, or from an online helpline. If you open up to someone you trust such as a teacher, they will help to change your situation and can help you to live a safer and happier life.

If someone you know is struggling with homelessness, encourage them to contact the helplines or speak to someone close to them.
Try and keep in contact with them as much as possible and make sure that they are eating regularly and staying hydrated.