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Getting used to change

Asuefai Harcourt, 10th Mar 2021
Tags: Life Blog Education Friendship

Do you like change? Well in a bid to be brutally honest, I’ll admit that I’m not a big fan of it.

In fact, I always go out of my way to find alternative scenarios that don’t require me to apply any sort of change to my usual routine. Unfortunately, though, this isn’t always the case.

It's life its normal gif
Image Credit: Tenor

Change has somehow managed to become a prerequisite to growth. You can’t have one without the other. Change is even celebrated in heaven. Did you know that?

“In the same way, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who changed both heart and life than over ninety-nine righteous” - Luke 15:7 in the Bible.

The key to change is the heart.

Now, time for that little secret I’m always letting you in on. Not every change should be welcomed, because not every change is good, and change reaches the heart. The Catholic Bible notes this in one of its books. It say’s in Sirach 37:17, “The key to change is the heart”.

Image Credit: Tenor

How then do you filter the change coming your way? You may ask. Well, you don’t. You filter the people and the situations instead. Whether you want to admit it or not, people influence others. It cannot be controlled.

The more you hang around someone, the higher the chance of you influencing them.

The more you hang around someone, the higher the chance of you influencing them and vice versa. So you get to decide what kind of change you want to welcome by deciding what kind of people you want to welcome in. This in turn influences the kind of situations you’re likely to find yourself in.

When you surround yourself with likeminded people in a similar position as yourself, the likelihood of changing, growing, or even moving at all is lower. You move slowly and yes likely in the right direction. It's a 50/50 chance.

Friends hugging
Image Credit: Tenor

When you surround yourself with people with a different belief system and in the same position as you, still you move slowly, but also you move in the wrong direction. When you surround yourself with people with a different mindset than you but in a higher position than that which you are, the likelihood of being influenced is greater, but you will likely move in the wrong direction.

Embrace the change.

When you, however, surround yourself with likeminded individuals in a higher position than yourself, now that’s the perfect recipe because you will move in the right direction, and you are likely to be motivated to move faster.

Embrace the change, but only after being a bit selective of who’s around you during the process.

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